Statistics of Cannabis Usage

Statistics of Cannabis Usage Among Different Demographic Groups in Colorado

Cannabis use is prevalent among many different demographic groups in Colorado. However, usage rates vary significantly between young people, adults, and the elderly. Cannabis use rates are highest among young adults aged 18-25, with over 50% of young adults reporting using cannabis in the past year. Cannabis use rates are also high among adults aged 26-34 and 35-44, with approximately 40% of adults in these age groups reporting using cannabis in the past year. However, cannabis use rates begin to decline among older age groups, with only about 20% of adults aged 45-54 and 15% of adults aged 55 and older reporting using cannabis in the past year.

There are also some notable differences in cannabis usage rates between men and women in Colorado. Men are more likely than women to report using cannabis, with approximately 45% of men and 35% of women reporting using cannabis in the past year. There are also some differences in cannabis usage rates between different racial and ethnic groups in Colorado. Cannabis use is highest among Hispanics, with over 40% of Hispanic adults reporting using cannabis in the past year. Cannabis use is also high among Whites and African Americans, with approximately 35% of both groups reporting using cannabis in the past year. However, Asians are the least likely racial or ethnic group to report using cannabis, with only about 20% of Asians reporting using cannabis in the past year.

In general, cannabis use is more common among younger adults, men, and Hispanics in Colorado. However, there are still a significant number of older adults, women, and people from other racial and ethnic groups who report using cannabis. Cannabis use is an important issue to consider when discussing public health in Colorado.

There are a number of factors that may contribute to these differences in cannabis usage rates between different age groups. For example, younger people may be more likely to experiment with cannabis, and adults may be more likely to use cannabis for medicinal purposes. Additionally, the legal landscape surrounding cannabis has changed significantly in recent years, which may also affect usage rates.

These statistics highlight the need for further research on cannabis use among different age groups in Colorado. This research could help to identify factors that contribute to variation in usage rates, and could ultimately help to reduce Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD) and its associated harms.